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Tel: 0791-88350706
After sale: 0791-88350703
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Address: NO. 1133, Hengshan
2 Road, Economic and

Technological Development

Zone, Nanchang, Jiangxi

 Talent cultivation and development  

Kungfu company has a comprehensive staff training system.

We provide every employee with space for growth and development which construct perfect training system to ensure them keep constant attractive and competitive.

Kungfu diversified training form and professional training course meet with company strategy, enterprise development and employee requirement.

all the staff  Employee diversified development path

Kungfu company implements annual review and appointment, selecting the best, dynamic management’s working post promotion system for improving employee business knowledge and skill, selecting talented person and inspiring employee work passion. Kungfu company encourages employee to work harder, and if there are job openings, diligent, good performance and very competent employee will receive promotion and development opportunity in preference. 

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