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Tel: 0791-88350706
After sale: 0791-88350703
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Address: NO. 1133, Hengshan
2 Road, Economic and

Technological Development

Zone, Nanchang, Jiangxi

 Talent concept

The talent team’s construction requirement

Be confident with yourself, be loyalty to profession, identifying with corporation, and be responsible towards the work.
Enter company by education certificate, and look at the ability in the work.   
We emphasize comparative advantage and implement the final elimination system.
The main internal talent cultivation, supplemented by cooperation and talent introduction.

Salary policy 

Job performance oriented competitive salary system
“Base wage” plus “post subsidy” plus “performance reward” salary structure
The primary skeleton staff benefit from the primary backbone talent allowance

Welfare policy

Compulsory social insurance policy, national holiday and paid annual leave policy
Special benefit funds such as employee’s private car subsidy, phone allowance, wedding allowance, birthday wish and medical assistance.

Special training fund for improve employee academic diploma and occupation skill

Fresh graduate’s special policy

The primary backbone talent allowance, fresh graduate new employee’s three years cultivation strategy.

New employee job-change training system and one-on-one attention with senior worker teaching system

Three months’work summary report before entering the company, company’s senior management quarterly communication mechanism, general manager monthly communication mechanism, and head of human resource tracking cultivation mechanism.

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