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What does Kungfu alternator comply with relevant standards?

日期: 2018-09-11

Land use alternator should comply with the following standards:

GB 755  “Rotating Electrical Machines - Rating and Performance”

GB/T 15548  “General specification for three-phase synchronous generators driven by reciprocating internal combustion engine”

JB/T 3320.1 “Specification for small size brushless three-phase synchronous generator”

IEC34 and so on which is recommended by the International Electrotechnical Commission. 


Marine use alternator should comply with the following standards:

IEC 60092-301: 1980 “Electrical installations in ships. Part 301 : Equipment - Generators and motors”

GB/T 7060 “General specifications for rotary electrical machines in ships”

GB/T 12975 “General specification for synchronous generator in ship”

“Classification Rules of Steel Sea-going Vessel”2006

IEC34 and so on which is recommended by the International Electrotechnical Commission. 

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