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2019 - 04 - 30
点击次数: 0

In most cases, generator is used as standby or emergency power, or parallel operation with power network. So generator voltage, frequency, and phase depend on network requirements in different countries. In the condition of without power network, generator is used as main power and its voltage and frequency depends on its load, or choose generator according to load, or choose load’s voltage, frequency according to generator’s output voltage and frequency . Generator’s frequency is 50Hz or 60Hz generally. The generator is three phases generally and single phase can be custom...
2019 - 04 - 23
点击次数: 0

Alternator efficiency is the ratio of output kilowatts (electrical energy) to input alternator mechanical work. That is:    Prime mover outputing mechanical power should be greater than or equal to alternator input power. Alternator input power except connecting efficiency of diesel engine and alternator, should be the minimum output power of diesel engine. The alternator efficiency is different under different voltage and load, and specific conditions can contact Kungfu company!
2019 - 04 - 23
点击次数: 0

Kungfu generator can meet with any diesel engine SAE standard. Kungfu generator also can match with Chinese 135, 150 and 95 series engine.
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